CNC Machine Operator Program


CNC Machine Operator

CNC Machine Operators require skills in operating a CNC machine but are not machinists. Through industry task analysis as well as strong involvement with our development partner, a large global manufacturer, Amatrol’s CNC Machine Operator Program brings a highly focused, streamlined set of skills to CNC Machine Operator training. Many training programs for CNC Machine Operators use training really designed for machinists, which incorporates a lot of theory not relevant to the role of CNC Machine Operator. For example, a CNC machine operator needs to know how to run a CNC program – not how to design one.

Amatrol’s CNC Machine Operator Program focuses exclusively on the modern CNC machine operator, including such tasks as maintaining machines and recording SPC (Statistical Process Control) data. It covers all the skills operators need, from operating the CNC machine to set-up of tooling and fixtures to quality inspection.

Manufacturer: Amatrol
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