To help equip students for advanced manufacturing and technology, Lincoln Electric offers schools, universities and educational programs with robotic systems designed to demonstrate, develop and teach the proper techniques, programming and welding for a career.
These systems come in the form of a mobile robotic welding cart to fixed or positioning systems, whichever solution is right for you, your students and local industry to meet the needs of developing the right workforce, with the right skills.
- Provide students with skills related to advanced manufacturing
- Teach robotic programming and welding using the same equipment installed in manufacturing and fabrication locations globally
- Develop partnerships with industry locations to ensure graduation employment rates are high and students have the right skills for employers.
- Implement robotics and advanced manufacturing training in multiple programs and classes.
Manufacturing and fabrication have changed dramatically. Competitive pressure has expanded and businesses of all sizes are now competing on a global level. With that fact, the skills and the capabilities of manufacturing companies have been challenged to:
- Increase productivity
- Improve quality
- Reducing costs
Coupled with the fact that there is a critical shortage of skilled labor, the manufacturing industry needs to implement automated fabrication processes and solutions to remain competitive. Robotics plays a major role in today’s manufacturing and fabrication environments, and this role continue to expand into the future. Robotic education is a key initiative for many employers and, therefore, plays a major part in training and education programs.
To help welding instructors achieve these new skills and enhance training in the classroom and welding lab, Lincoln Electric has launched robotic welding education and training systems to demonstrate and teach real-life industrial robotic concepts, capabilities, programming and robotic welding.