Elevate your CNC Mill and Lathe training to new heights with the Advanced Technology for Advanced Training – Machine Tending Education Cell (MTEC-SIM). Designed for educational institutions, this system seamlessly integrates advanced manufacturing concepts, CNC Load/Unload automation, and robotics training. A complete package, the MTEC-SIM includes curriculum, training equipment, and the opportunity for students to program a CNC machine and robot.
Key Features:
- Real-world Applications:
- Showcase practical robot-tended CNC machinery, emphasizing the automation of load/unload tasks in a CNC machine shop setting.
- Integration Ready:
- Easily integrates with small to medium-sized CNC machinery. Students can program the robot’s pick-and-place locations and air blowoff path.
- Template-Based Part Locator:
- Simplify part blank location with a template-based system, allowing for easy customization and adaptability for future machining projects.
- Versatile Teaching Tool:
- Suitable for teaching level 1, level 2, and level 3 advanced manufacturing concepts. Ideal for extending FANUC training depth within budget constraints.
- Project-Based Curriculum:
- Focus on CNC programming, robot integration, robot programming, tool handling, and maintenance troubleshooting. Develop essential post-graduation skills like problem-solving, reasoning, and critical thinking.
- FANUC Integration:
- Qualifies for the FANUC educational CERT program, with integrated FANUC Robot and ROBODRILL options. Optional iRVision for 2D training.
What can I do with MTEC?
- Curriculum:
- FANUC Robotics Courses:
- CNC Concepts Courses:
- Handling Tool Operation and Programming
- Handling PRO
- iR Vision 2D
- Advanced TPP
- Robodrill Maintenance
- CNC Concepts Courses:
- Machining, Programming, Setup, and Operation
- Turning, Programming, Setup, and Operation
- APT Integration Courses:
- Intermediate Concepts: Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Industrial Equipment
- Introduction to Industrial Automation and Integration
- Basic Integration Labs: PLC, HMI, Robot, Ancillary Components
- Robot to CNC: Integration Fundamentals and Labs
- Safety Systems, Standard Design, and Application
- Career Paths and Certifications:
- FANUC Robot Operator – Material Handling
- FANUC Robot Technician
- CNC Operator
- CNC Machine Technician
- Maintenance Technician
- PLC/Controls Technician
- Industrial Controls Integrator
- Robot Integrator
- Certifications:
- FCR-01 (FANUC Certified Operator 1) – Written
- FCR-02 (FANUC Certified Operator 2) – Performance
- FCR-T1 (FANUC Certified Robot Technician 2)
- NIMS Certifications: CNC Mill Programming Setup and Operation, CNC Mill Operations
- Software and Material Handling CERT Instructor Training and Tool Kit:
- ROBOGUIDE Simulation Software license
- FANUC Robot Operations Manual
- FANUC HandlingTool or ArcTool Operations and Programming Manual
- FANUC HandlingPRO (ROBOGUIDE Simulation) Manual
- Material Handling (MH) CERT School Comprehensive Educational Package:
- Online seats for Robot Operations, HandlingTool or ArcTool Operation and Programming, and HandlingPRO or WeldPRO web courses
- ROBOGUIDE Simulation Software licenses
FANUC Education Grant available for new Educational Institutes. Work with a reseller to confirm details.
Give your students the opportunity to learn real-world advanced automation integration with the Machine Tending Education Cell. Invest in the future of manufacturing education with MTEC-SIM!